Friday 2 February 2018

Draft of Script

Find a way 
[Music video - 'A Tribe Called Quest - Find a Way' the first 40 seconds of the song will be played, then the camera will pan out of the TV and circle in a slow 360 degree motion. When rotating there will be different clips of what the characters are doing, the song will be played in the background
Alfie and Mollie will be in a house just chilling
Sofia will be shopping in Croydon and texting Alfie
Elise will be doing 
Rakeem will be playing PS4 or Football
After the camera has fully rotated it will lift up to the sky and the scene will change to Sofia doing her makeup]
*Phone rings*
Sofia - Hey baby, how are you? 
Alfie - I'm calm, what you doing?
Sofia - Yeah i'm okay. 
ALfie - What you doing today? If you're free, you wanna go out?
Sofia - Yeah definitely, where should we go? I really wanna see you!
Alfie - Anywhere, you choose. Nandos?
Sofia - Okay, I'll meet you at 15:00?
Alfie - Yeah calm, see you there B.
Sofia - Bye babe
ALfie - Peace 

SCENE 2 - Nandos 
[Alfie and Sofia are engaged in conversation. The camera does a 360 degree turn and ends up facing the two]
Alfie - So, how's college?
Sofia - Ermmm, I dropped out remember...
Alfie - Ahhhhh yeaaaaa, so you joined another college or you working?
Sofia - I'm doing an apprenticeship in digital marketing
Alfie - Is it? Yeah i'm proud of you baby 
*After conversation is finished the rest f the scene will be slowly sped up. The camera will slowly lift up and ends up facing the ceiling to signify the end of the scene*

SCENE 3 - Chilling / ps4
[Alfie and Rakeem are chilling and having a general conversation]
Alfie: Yo G, wagwarn for you and some of these tricks?
Rakeem: Tricks? Wtf is that bro?
Alfie: Tricks meaning girls... Come on bro, i know you got girls on girls 
Rakeem: Nah bro, not even. I have my eye on one girl at the moment tho, but I can't tell you just incase it don't go to plan. What about you bro? Still got Mollie?
Alfie: Ah yeah, I hear that b; And yeah bro still with her, she moves mad sometimes but I can firm it coz I see summ with her.
Rakeem: Sn, I hear that, what you on today?
Alfie: Nothin' much to be honest bro, what you got in mind?
Rakeem: I don't mind, wanna roll out and see wagwarn?
Alfie: Yeah calm b, let's go London... Ends is shit
Rakeem: Calm bro
[Rakeem and Alfie leave and go London]

SXENE 4 - London
[Alfie and Rakeem are on the train. Alfie see' Sofia.] 
Alfie: Yo b, I'll be back, just gotta talk to someone
Rakeem: Who bro?
Alfie: Don't worry b, just seen a friend
[Alfie walks towards Sofia, she see' him and instantly jumps up to greet him]
Sofia: OHH MY GODDD ALFIEEEE, what are you doing here?!
[Camera goes to the other side of the carriage and focuses on Rakeem. He is texting Mollie]

[Mollie and Elise are waiting for Rakeem and Alfie at the train station. Mollie receives a text from Rakeem, she looks at her phone with disappointment]
Elise: Obviously, You and Rakeem had history, but are you all for Alfie now? Or is there still something for Rakeem?
Mollie: [Sigh] I mean i'll always hold a place for him in my heart but i really like Alfie. But things happened between me and Rakeem that Alfie doesn't know about. You CAN'T tell Alfie.
Elise: He's my bestfriend, I can't hide this from him. You should've told me or him sooner. 
Mollie: I know, I just couldn't do it. I tried to forget about it, but Rakeem brought it up the other day; and ahhh I'm just so confused...
[Mollie puts her head in her hands. Elise goes to sit next to her and comfort her]
Elise: I know it's hard, but you need to tell Alfie today! It's either you tell him today or I'll tell him myself!
Mollie: Let me think about it okay?
Elise: You haven't got long, they'll be here soon

SCENE 6 - Rakeem and alfie discussion
[Train is coming to a stop, Rakeem begins to question Alfie]
Rakeem: So who was that girl you spoke to?
Alfie: No-one b, just a friend that's all. Why you asking this anyways, acting like you ain't got female friends too [scoffs nervously]
Rakeem: Not even bout that bro, you have a girl and the way that other girl hugged you yeah... kinda weird in my eyes
Alfie: So you're telling me you ain't ever got a hug like that from a girl? Come on man it ain't that deep. Plus, why do you care?
Rakeem: Ermm, I'm just looking out for you and Mollie inih, you're my boy so I gotta make sure you don't mess up with her. She's good for you, she's special, she's beautiful, she's smart,  elegant,  she's - 
[Alfie cuts him off and walks off before Rakeem can even get up]
Alfie: - Trains stopped, if you had taken a minute to stop talking about my girlfriend, you'd have fucking noticed it's the last stop.
Rakeem: Ahhh, sorry bro
Alfie: Don't give me that shit, I don't even wanna meet these lot now. Tell them I'm busy, I'm gone, going to link Elise.
Rakeem: Nah bro, come man; Mollie and Elise ain't seen you in a while. Fam, I already said i'm sorry -
[Rakeem pauses to think of something to say]
I - I only said that so you realised what you have before you lose it bro. Been through that, it's long b.
Alfie: Nah, I'm linking Elise, ain't in the mood for you or Mollie right now. 

SCENE 7 - Elise and alfie 
[Elise phone rings. She looks at it with a confused expression but picks up anyways]
Alfie: Yo Elise, you're with Mollie inih
Elise: Yeah, why? Something wrong?
Alfie: Cant talk right now, but link me at Victoria, I NEED to speak to you about all this.
Elise: Yeah cool, meet me at Victoria; we'll go on a walk or something 
Alfie: Calm
[Alfie cuts off the phone and walks outside of London Victoria train station and walks towards Elise with a dampened expression on his face]
Elise: Hey Alfie, you okay?
Alfie: Yo, and nah not really. It's Rakeem, the way he was talking about Mollie was so off. Like he was talking as if he admired her and is infatuated with her. I pray that nothing has happened between them
[Elise starts her thought-track, everything freezes around them]
Elise: "I know something has happened between Mollie and Rakeem, but if I was to tell Alfie i'd lose my friendship with Mollie. Whereas, if I don't tell Alfie he'll keep on getting lied to, he's my brother... I can't do that to him... I'm going to give Mollie one chance to tell him, if not then i'll tell him myself - 
Elise: Hmmm I hope so too Alfie, I hope so too.
Alfie: Might aswell go back and find them 
[Elise calls Mollie to find out where they are]
Elise: Mollie, where are you two?
Mollie: Ermmm, we're at hyde park, you coming?
Elise: I'm still with Alfie but we're coming now
Mollie: Ah okay, how long you going to be?
Elise: We'll be there shortly
[Elise cuts off the phone]

SCENE 8 - Hyde Park
[Alfie and Elise are walking toward Mollie and Rakeem]
Elise: I'm sure nothing has happened between them
Alfie: Hmm, we'll see
Elise: I'm positive nothing has...
[Camera zooms in on Rakeem and Mollie on a bench together, takes a picture of them; image of them is on the screen]
Elise: Alfie, calm down, i'm sure it's nothing
Alfie: Elise get out of my way
[Rakeem see's Alfie and Elise and gets up and starts walking toward Alfie]
Rakeem: Bro, I don't know what you just saw but...
Alfie: BUT WHAT? You were giving me all that shit about "Ah Mollie's good for you", blah blah, blah and you are fucking kissing her
Rakeem: Alfie, it weren't even like that
Rakeem: Bro, I'm really sorry 
Alfie: Yo, don't give me that "bro" shit, you ain't no brother of mine, you're lucky I don't smack the shit outta you. Get the FUCK out of my face
[Rakeem walks off wiping his eyes as he realises his mistake. Alfie storms off to a tree and wipes his eyes too - Sofia calls Alfie]
Sofia: Hey Alfie, You still in London?
Alfie: [Sniffs] Yeah I am babe, where you?
Sofia: I'm near hyde park, what about you?
Alfie: Yeah I'm at hyde park actually. Wanna come see me?
Sofia: Yeah sure, walking there now. See you soon
[Alfie cuts off the phone, his head sinks into his hands - Camera switches over to Elise and Mollie, they are walking toward another bench]
Elise: I'm so fucking annoyed at you Mollie, how could you do this to him? You know how much he loved you!
Mollie: I don't know what I was thinking. I really loved Alfie too, I guess my lust for Rakeem just hasn't died out.
[They sit down on one of the benches]
Elise: That's no excuse Mollie, you've lost Alfie completely, you are so close to losing me; I hate you for what you have done.
Mollie: I know, I fucked up, really bad. I've lost Rakeem too. Ah Elise what do I do. [Mollie rests her head on Elise's shoulder and begins to sob. Elise reluctantly comforts her] 
[Camera goes into the centre of the park. Slowly looks up toward the sky]

SCENE 9 - Conclusion
[2 weeks after the incident. Alfie phone screen is on the screen, he is texting someone, the text reads]
"I have been thinking for a while about this, and I have thought long and hard about what I'm going to do. Really and truly I cannot be bothered for any of this, but I have such strong feelings for you I can't hide it no longer. This is why I wanna be with you, and I hope you feel the same way. love Alfie x"
[He sends the text, the receivers name is blanked out so the element of mystery is still in effect]
[The final image is, the last 35 seconds of 'A Tribe Called Quest - Find A Way' - The credits will be rolling throughout this scene]

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